Color Vision : What to Expect at the Flight Physical

Item 52: FAA Policies on the Airman Medical Exam

Apr 2014

Guidance is compiled and interpreted by professional pilots and physicians at from the 2014 AME Guide pages 170-175, FAA and FDA web data ( &, instructions specified in the Aeronautical Information Manual, Federal Air Surgeon Bulletins from 1999-2015, and 14 CFR Part 61 and Part 67 (the FARs).

I. Code of Federal Regulations

Legal Abstract: Ability to perceive those colors necessary for the safe performance of airman duties.

II. Examination Equipment and Techniques

The following equipment and techniques apply only to airmen. Not all tests approved for airmen are acceptable for air traffic controllers (FAA employee 2152 series and contract tower air traffic controllers).

For latest ATCS information, see the end of this section or contact a Regional Flight Surgeon.

AME Color Vision Equipment List derived from the FAA 2014 AME Guide





Pseudoisochromatic plates

Test book should be held 30’’ from applicant

Plates should be illuminated by at least 20’ candles, preferably by a Macbeth Easel Lamp or a Verilux True Color Light (F15T8VLX)

Only three seconds are allowed for the applicant to interpret and respond to a given plate

American Optical Company [AOC]













14 Plate



24 Plate



38 Plate


Richmond, 15-plates



Acceptable Substitutes: (May be used following the directions accompanying the instruments) Farnsworth Lantern; OPTEC 900 Color Vision Test; Keystone Orthoscope; Keystone Telebinocular; OPTEC 2000 Vision Tester (Model Nos. 2000 PM, 2000 PAME, and 2000 PI); OPTEC 2500; Titmus Vision Tester; Titmus 2 Vision Tester (Model Nos. T2A and T2S); Titmus i400.

III. Aerospace Medical Disposition

The following criteria apply only to airmen. Not all tests approved for airmen are acceptable for air traffic controllers (FAA employee 2152 series and contract tower air traffic controllers). For ATCS information, see the end of this section or contact a Regional Flight Surgeon.

An applicant meets the color vision standard if he/she passes any of the color vision tests listed in Examination Techniques, Item 52. Color Vision. If an applicant fails any of these tests, inform the applicant of the option of taking any of the other acceptable color vision tests listed in Item 52. Color Vision Examination Equipment and Techniques before requesting the Specialized Operational Medical Tests in Section D below.

Inform the applicant that if he/she takes and fails any component of the Specialized Operational Medical Tests in Section D, then he/she will not be permitted to take any of the remaining listed office-based color vision tests in Examination Techniques, Item 52. Color Vision as an attempt to remove any color vision limits or restrictions on their airman medical certificate. That pathway is no longer an option to the airman, and no new result will be considered.

An applicant does not meet the color vision standard if testing reveals:

  1. All Classes:
    1. AOC (1965 edition) pseudoisochromatic plates: seven or more errors on plates 1-15.
    2. AOC-HRR (second edition): Any error in test plates 7-11. Because the first 4 plates in the test book are for demonstration only, test plate 7 is actually the eleventh plate in the book. (See instruction booklet.)
    3. Dvorine pseudoisochromatic plates (second edition, 15 plates): seven or more errors on plates 1-15.
    4. Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates: Concise 14-plate edition: six or more errors on plates 1-11; the 24-plate edition: seven or more errors on plates 1-15; the 38-plate edition: nine or more errors on plates 1-21
    5. Richmond (1983 edition) pseudoisochromatic plates: seven or more errors on plates 1-15.
    6. OPTEC 900 Vision Tester and Farnsworth Lantern test: an average of more than one error per series of nine color pairs in series 2 and 3. (See instruction booklet.)
    7. Titmus Vision Tester, Titmus 2 Vision Tester, Titmus i400, OPTEC 2000 Vision Tester, Keystone Orthoscope, or Keystone View Telebinocular: any errors in the six plates.
    8. LKC Technologies, Inc., APT-5 Color Vision Tester: The letter must be correctly identified in at least two of the three presentations of each test condition. (See APT-5 screening chart for FAA-related testing in instruction booklet.)
    9. Richmond-HRR, 4th edition: two or more errors on plates 5-24. Plates 1-4 are for demonstration only; plates 5-10 are screening plates; and plates 11-24 are diagnostic plates.
  2. Certificate Limitation. If an applicant fails to meet the color vision standard as interpreted above, but is otherwise qualified, the Examiner must issue a medical certificate bearing the limitation:


  3. The color vision screening tests above (Section A) are not to be used for the purpose of removing color vision limits/restrictions from medical certificates of airmen who have failed the Specialized Operational Medical Tests below (Section D). See bold paragraph in the introduction of this section (above).

  4. Specialized Operational Medical Tests for Applicants Who Do Not Meet the Standard. Applicants who fail the color vision screening test as listed, but desire an airman medical certificate without the color vision limitation, may be given, upon request, an opportunity to take and pass additional operational color perception tests. If the airman passes the operational color vision perception test(s), then he/she will be issued a Letter of Evidence (LOE).

    • The operational tests are determined by the class of medical certificate requested. The request should be in writing and directed to AMCD or Regional Flight Surgeon. See NOTE for description of the operational color perception tests.
    • Applicants for a third-class medical certificate need only take the Operational Color Vision Test (OCVT).
    • The applicant is permitted to take the OCVT only once during the day. If the applicant fails, he/she may request to take the OCVT at night. If the applicant elects to take the OCVT at night, he/she may take it only once.
    • For an upgrade to first- or second-class medical certificate, the applicant must first pass the OCVT during daylight and then pass the color vision Medical Flight Test (MFT). If the applicant fails the OCVT during the day, he/she will not be allowed to apply for an upgrade to First- or Second-Class certificate. If the applicant fails the color vision MFT, he/she is not permitted to upgrade to a first- or second-class certificate.
  5. An LOE may restrict an applicant to a third-class medical certificate. Airmen shall not be issued a medical certificate of higher class than indicated on the LOE. Exercise care in reviewing an LOE before issuing a medical certificate to an airman.

  6. Color Vision Correcting Lens (e.g. X-Chrom). Such lenses are unacceptable to the FAA as a means for correcting a pilot's color vision deficiencies.

  7. Any tests not specifically listed above are unacceptable methods of testing for FAA medical certificate. Examples of unacceptable tests include, but are not limited to, the OPTEC 5000 Vision Tester (color vision portion), “Farnsworth Lantern Flashlight,” “yarn tests,” and AME-administered aviation Signal Light Gun test (AME office use is prohibited). Web-based color vision applications, downloaded, or printed versions of color vision tests are also prohibited. Examiners must use actual and specific color vision plates and testing machinery for applicant evaluations.

    NOTE: An applicant for a third-class airman medical certificate who has defective color vision and desires an airman medical certificate without the color vision limitation must demonstrate the ability to pass an Operational Color Vision Test (OCVT) during the day. The OCVT consists of the following:

    1. A Signal Light Test (SLT): Identify in a timely manner aviation red, green, and white
    2. Aeronautical chart reading: Read and correctly interpret in a timely manner aeronautical charts, including print in various sizes, colors, and typefaces; conventional markings in several colors; and, terrain colors

    Recourse, Appeals and Options for those who fail the office color vision tests

    An applicant for a first- or second- class airman medical certificate who has defective color vision and desires an airman medical certificate without the color vision limitation must first demonstrate the ability to pass the OCVT during the day (as above) and then must pass a color vision Medical Flight Test (MFT). The color vision MFT is performed in the aircraft, including in-flight testing. It consists of the following:

    1. Read and correctly interpret in a timely manner aviation instruments or displays
    2. Recognize terrain and obstructions in a timely manner
    3. Visually identify in a timely manner the location, color, and significance of aeronautical lights such as, but not limited to, lights of other aircraft in the vicinity, runway lighting systems, etc.

    Applicants who take and pass both the OCVT during the day and the color vision MFT will be given a letter of evidence (LOE) valid for all classes of medical certificates and will have no limitation or comment made on the certificate regarding color vision as they meet the standard for all classes. Applicants who take and pass only the OCVT during the day will be given an LOE valid only for third-class medical certificate.

    An applicant who fails the Signal Light Test (SLT) portion of the OCVT during daylight hours may repeat the test at night. Should the airman pass the Signal Light Test (SLT) at night, the restriction:


    will be placed on the replacement medical certificate. The airman must have taken the daylight hours test first and have failed prior to taking the night test.

    derived from the FAA 2014 AME Guide

    Color Vision Test

    Does not meet the standard (fails) if:


    Richmond-HRR, 4th edition

    Any error on plates 5-10

    Richmond Products

    All Ishihara test plates approved for airmen:

    14-Plate (plates 1-11)

    More than 6 errors on plates 1-11


    24-Plate (plates 1-15)

    More than 2 errors on plates 1-15


    38-Plate (plates 1-21)

    More than 4 errors on plates 1-21


    Keystone View Telebinocular

    No errors on the 6 total trials on plates 4 and 5

    Keystone View

    Titmus testers approved for airmen: Titmus, Titmus II, Titmus 2a/2s (one is manual, one is electronic)

    Any errors on any of the 6 plates


    OPTEC 2000

    Any errors on any of the 6 Stereo Optical Co., Inc., plates

    Stereo Optical Co., Inc.

    AOC-HRR, 2nd, 1-11

    Any errors on plates 5-10

    Richmond Products

    Dvorine 2nd Edition

    More than 2 errors on plates 1-15

    Richmond Products

    Special Instructions

    Test Administration

    The Examiner must document the color vision test instrument used, version, answer sheet with the actual subject responses and the score. If MEDExpress is used the examiner may fax or mail the results to the Flight Surgeon or may document the findings in Item 60: AME Comments on History and Findings.

    AME Office Inspection

    AME office inspections: The inspector must visually inspect the condition of the color vision test instrument, for fading, finger prints, pen or pencil smudges; and lights used. Only a Macbeth Easel or a Verilux True Daylight Illuminator (F15T8VLX) are acceptable. Room lights must be off.

    False Negatives

    Any test device with a restricted test set, like the Titmus testers, generally have a high false alarm test. If a disproportionally high number of subjects are failing, it may be necessary to review the acceptability of that test instrument. Regional Medical Offices are expected to monitor this situation.



    derived from the FAA 2014 AME Guide




    Bausch & Lomb Vision Tester

    OPTEC 900, 2500*, 5000*

    Titmus i400*



    Vision Chart - color letters


    Richmond-HRR Versions 2 and 3

    H-O Chart


    FAA Note: Any computer applications, downloaded, or printed versions of color vision tests are prohibited.

Related Pages:

This page discussed the Color Vision portion of the Eyes & Vision section of the Fight Physical Examination required of pilots.

Reminder: use to familiarize yourself with aviation medical regulations and guidelines, but always discuss your specific situation with one or more AMEs before dedicating resources toward expensive clinical workups. Find an AME now