AME Comments on Application for Aviation Medical Certification FAA 8500-8

Item 62: Comments on History and Findings

Apr 2014

Abbreviated Briefing:
  • AME Final Opportunity to Elaborate
  • Abnormal Situations
  • Unusual Findings
  • Unreported History
  • Note if Expected Delay for More Data > 2 Weeks


Guidance is compiled and interpreted by professional pilots and physicians at from the 2014 AME Guide pages 188-189, FAA and FDA web data ( &, instructions specified in the Aeronautical Information Manual, Federal Air Surgeon Bulletins from 1999-2015, and 14 CFR Part 61 and Part 67 (the FARs).

Sample Response Grid that AME will Fill Out
62. Has Been Issued
(Offical Conclusion of this Flight Physical visit with your AME)

Medical Certificate

Medical & Student Pilot Certificate

No Medical Certificate Issued

Deferred for Further Evaluation

Has Been Denied

Letter of Denial Issued (Copy Attached)

The Examiner must check the proper box to indicate if the Medical Certificate, FAA Form 8500-9 (white), or Medical Certificate and Student Pilot Certificate, FAA Form 8420-2 (yellow), has been issued. If neither form has been issued, the Examiner must indicate denial or deferral by checking one of the two lower boxes. If denied, a copy of the Examiner's Letter of Denial, should be forwarded to the AMCD.

  1. Applicant's Refusal. When advised by an Examiner that further examination and/or medical records are needed, the applicant may elect not to proceed. The Examiner should note this on FAA Form 8500-8. No certificate should be issued, and the Examiner should forward the application form to the AMCD, even if the application is incomplete.

  2. Anticipated Delay. When the Examiner anticipates a delay of more than 14 days in obtaining records or reports concerning additional examinations, the completed FAA Form 8500-8 should be transmitted to the AMCD with a note stating that additional information will follow. No medical certificate should be issued.

  3. Issuance. When the Examiner receives all the supplemental information requested and finds that the applicant meets all the FAA medical standards for the class sought, the Examiner should issue a medical certificate.

  4. Deferral. If upon receipt of the information the Examiner finds there is a need for even more information or there is uncertainty about the significance of the findings, certification should be deferred. The Examiner's concerns should be noted on FAA Form 8500-8 and the application transmitted to the AMCD for further consideration.

    If the applicant decides at this point to abandon the application for a medical certificate, the Examiner should also note this on FAA Form 8500-8 and mail the incomplete form to the AMCD. An incomplete FAA Form 8500-8 should not be transmitted to the AMCD for further consideration.

  5. Denial. When the Examiner concludes that the applicant is clearly ineligible for certification, the applicant should be denied, using the AME Letter of Denial. Use of this form will provide the applicant with the reason for the denial and with appeal rights and procedures. (Please refer to General Information, 4. Medical Certification Decision Making)

This page discussed the Has Been Issued portion of the Review section of the Fight Physical Examination required of pilots.

Reminder: use to familiarize yourself with aviation medical regulations and guidelines, but always discuss your specific situation with one or more AMEs before dedicating resources toward expensive clinical workups. Find an AME now