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0 Flight Doctors Located
Search limited to Senior AMEs (AMEs capable of performing Class 1 Exams)

You must hold a valid and current pilot medical certificate to pilot any powered aircraft except when exercising sport pilot privileges.

Official Data Courtesy of FAA
AME Update
Practice Details Courtesy of
FlightPhysical.com AME Update

     Flight Doctor (AME)


Class 1

     Flight Doctor (AME)


Class 1

Official Data Courtesy of FAA
AME Update
Practice Details Courtesy of
FlightPhysical.com AME Update

This table represents AMEs from: NEW MEXICO Search limited to Senior AMEs (AMEs capable of performing Class 1 Exams)
0 Aviation Physicians Found

Pilot Medical Certificates are an FAA aviation requirement. Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers need aviation medical examinations. Student pilots, private pilots, commercial pilots and airline transport pilots have specific periodic medical examination requirements depending on type of pilot's license and the flyer's age. We can give you tips on preparation and help you pass your medical exam.
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