Sergio R. Bello, MD, FACC

San Francisco, California 94117
Voice: (415) 392-1386

Call to Schedule Your Next Appointment with Dr. Bello

Avoid downtime.

Call to set up your next Flight Physical with Dr. Bello.


Board Certified Internal Medicine

Board Certified Cardiovascular Medicine

Board Certified in cardiovascular medicine (cardiology)
Highly trained to diagnose, treat, and manage complicated cardiovascular problems. Can conduct all cardiology procedures required by the FAA. Please e-mail for information regarding FAA Special Issuance requirements for specific heart disease states.
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To: Dr. Bello's San Francisco Office

Avoid downtime.

Stay Healthy, Airworthy and Legal.
Call to set up your next Flight Physical with Dr. Bello:

(415) 392-1386for San Francisco Office