Brent C Packer, MD, MBA

312 4TH AVE. EAST #9
Olympia, Washington 98501
Voice: (701) 610-1046

Call to Schedule Your Next Appointment with Dr. Packer

Avoid downtime.

Call to set up your next Flight Physical with Dr. Packer.


FAA Physicals (II & III) $49!


9-5 Mon, Tues & Thurs.

Other hours available by appt. including weekends

  • 3303 NE 44th St. (at St. James Rd.), Vancouver
  • new patients gladly accepted!
  • for appointments: 360-737-1974
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To: Dr. Packer's Olympia Office

Avoid downtime.

Stay Healthy, Airworthy and Legal.
Call to set up your next Flight Physical with Dr. Packer:

(701) 610-1046for Olympia Office