GU System : What to Expect at the Flight Physical

Item 41: FAA Policies on the Airman Medical Exam

Apr 2014

Guidance is compiled and interpreted by professional pilots and physicians at from the 2014 AME Guide pages 98-108, FAA and FDA web data ( &, instructions specified in the Aeronautical Information Manual, Federal Air Surgeon Bulletins from 1999-2015, and 14 CFR Part 61 and Part 67 (the FARs). note: Pregnancy Exam and Gender Identity Disorder are posted separately.

FAA NOTE: The pelvic examination is performed only at the applicant's option or if indicated by specific history or physical findings. If a pelvic examination is performed, the results are to be recorded in Item 60 Examiner Comments of FAA Form 8500-8.

I. Code of Federal Regulations

Legal References: 14 CFR 67.113(b)(c), 67.213(b)(c), 67.313(b)(c),

Legal Extract (Applies to All Classes):

  • (b) No other organic, functional, or structural disease, defect, or limitation that the Federal Air Surgeon, based on the case history and appropriate, qualified medical judgment relating to the condition involved, finds -

    1. Makes the person unable to safely perform the duties or exercise the privileges of the airman certificate applied for or held; or
    2. May reasonably be expected, for the maximum duration of the airman medical certificate applied for or held, to make the person unable to perform those duties or exercise those privileges.
  • (c) No medication or other treatment that the Federal Air Surgeon, based on the case history and appropriate, qualified medical judgment relating to the medication or other treatment involved, finds -
    1. Makes the person unable to safely perform the duties or exercise the privileges of the airman certificate applied for or held; or
    2. May reasonably be expected, for the maximum duration of the airman medical certificate applied for or held, to make the person unable to perform those duties or exercise those privileges.

II. Examination Techniques

The Examiner should observe for discharge, inflammation, skin lesions, scars, strictures, tumors, and secondary sexual characteristics. Palpation for masses and areas of tenderness should be performed. The pelvic examination is performed only at the applicant's option or if indicated by specific history or physical findings. If a pelvic examination is performed, the results are to be recorded in Item 60 Examiner Comments of FAA Form 8500- 8. Disorders such as sterility and menstrual irregularity are not usually of importance in qualification for medical certification.

Specialty evaluations may be indicated by history or by physical findings on the routine examination. A personal history of urinary symptoms is important; such as:

  1. Pain or burning upon urination
  2. Dribbling or Incontinence
  3. Polyuria, frequency or nocturia
  4. Hematuria, pyuria or glycosuria

Special procedures for evaluation of the G-U system should best be left to the discretion of an urologist, nephrologist, or gynecologist.

III. Aerospace Medical Disposition

See Item 48 General Systemic, for details concerning diabetes and Item 57 Urine Test, for other information related to the examination of urine). note: Pregnancy and Gender Identity Disorder are posted separately.

FAA Remark: A history of recent or significant hematuria requires further evaluation.

The following table lists the most common genitourinary (G-U system) conditions of aeromedical significance, and course of action that should be taken by the AME as defined by the protocol and disposition in the table. Medical certificates must not be issued to an applicant with medical conditions that require deferral, or for any condition not listed in the table that may result in sudden or subtle incapacitation without consulting the AMCD or the Regional Flight Surgeon. Medical documentation must be submitted for any condition in order to support an issuance of an airman medical certificate.

FAA Aerospace Medical Disposition Grid for
Item 41. Genitourinary System

Item 41. G-U System Evaluation

General Genitourinary Disorders

(Conditions Affecting Your Reproductive and Urinary Systems)





Congenital lesions of the kidney


Submit all pertinent medical information and status report

If the applicant has an ectopic, horseshoe kidney, unilateral agenesis, hypoplastic, or dysplastic and is asymptomatic-
AME may issue the Certificate

Otherwise - Requires FAA Decision

Cystostomy and Neurogenic bladder


Requires evaluation, report must include etiology, clinical manifestation and treatment plan

Requires FAA Decision

Renal Dialysis


Submit a current status report, all pertinent medical reports to include etiology, clinical manifestation, BUN, Ca, PO4, Creatinine, electrolytes, and treatment plan

Requires FAA Decision

Renal Transplant


See Renal Transplant Protocol

Requires FAA Decision

Item 41. G-U System: Inflammatory Conditions

Nephritis and Inflammatory Conditions of G-U System





Acute (Nephritis)


Submit all pertinent medical information and status report

If > 3 mos. ago, resolved, no sequela, or indication of reoccurrence -
AME may issue the Certificate

Otherwise - Requires FAA Decision

Chronic (Nephritis)


Submit all pertinent medical information and status report

Requires FAA Decision



Submit all pertinent medical information and status report

Requires FAA Decision

Polycystic Kidney Disease


Submit all pertinent medical information and status report

If renal function is normal and no hypertension
- Issue

Otherwise - Requires FAA Decision

Pyelitis or Pyelonephritis


Submit all pertinent medical information and status report

If asymptomatic-

Otherwise - Requires FAA Decision

(Infection or pus in the renal collecting system)


Submit all pertinent medical information and status report

Otherwise - Requires FAA Decision

Item 41. G-U System: Neoplastic Disorders

Neoplasia of G-U System

(Cancerous and Precancerous Conditions Affecting Your Reproductive and Urinary Systems)





All G-U Cancers when treatment was completed more than 5 years ago and there is no history of metastatic disease. (If less than 5 years, see below.)


Interview airman

Currently cancer-free and released from oncology care - Issue and warn for recurrence

All others - see below

All G-U cancers when treatment was completed less than 5 years ago or for which there is a history of metastatic disease


See specific cancers below for the requirements

See specific cancers below for the disposition



Submit all pertinent medical records, operative/ pathology reports, current oncological status report, including tumor markers, and any other testing deemed necessary report, include duration of symptoms, name and dosage of drugs and side effects

Initial Special Issuance -
Requires FAA Decision

Followup Special Issuance's -

See AASI Bladder Cancer Protocol

Prostatic Cancer


Review a current status report, all pertinent medical reports to include staging, PSA, metastatic workup, and operative report, if applicable, and treatment

For prostate cancer without evidence of extra-capsular disease - Issue and warn for adverse change in disease and extra- capsular spread/metastases.

All others require FAA Decision. Submit all evaluation data.

Initial Special Issuance - Requires FAA Decision

Followup Special Issuances -

See AASI Prostate Cancer Protocol

Renal Carcinoma


Review all pertinent medical records, operative/pathology reports, current oncological status report, including tumor markers, and any other testing deemed necessary report, include duration of symptoms, name and dosage of drugs and side effects

See Renal Cancer Worksheet below. If airman meets all certification criteria - Issue.

All others require FAA decision. Submit all evaluation Data.

Initial Special Issuance - Requires FAA Decision

Followup Special Issuances - See AASI Renal Carcinoma Protocol

Testicular Carcinoma


Review all pertinent medical records, operative/pathology reports, current oncological status report, and any other testing deemed necessary report, include duration of symptoms, name and dosage of drugs and side effects

If treatment is complete without sequela and airman is back to full activities of daily living - Issue.

All others require FAA Decision. Submit all evaluation data.

Initial Special Issuance - Requires FAA Decision

Followup Special Issuances -
See AASI Testicular Cancer Protocol

Item 41. G-U: Urinary System

Disorders of the Urinary Tract





Hydronephrosis with impaired renal function


Submit all pertinent medical information and status report

Requires FAA Decision

Nephrectomy (non-neoplastic)


Submit all pertinent medical information and status report

If the remaining kidney function and anatomy is normal, without other systemic disease, hypertension, uremia, infection of the remaining kidney -

Otherwise - Requires FAA Decision

(Kidney Stone)


Submit all pertinent medical information and status report

If calculus is not in collecting system or renal pelvis - Issue

Otherwise - Requires FAA Decision

Calculus1 Renal - Single episode


Submit all pertinent medical information and status report

If there is no residual calculi and the metabolic workup is negative

Otherwise - Requires FAA Decision

Renal - Multiple episodes or Retained Stones


Submit all pertinent medical information and status report

Initial Special Issuance -
Requires FAA Decision

Followup Special Issuance's - See AASI Renal Calculi Protocol

Ureteral or Vesical Stone


Single episode and no retained calculi, submit current metabolic evaluation and status report (Ureteral stent is acceptable if functioning without sequela)

If metabolic workup is negative and there is no sequela or retained calculi -

Otherwise - Requires FAA Decision

FAA Note1 Complete studies to determine the possible etiology and prognosis are essential to favorable FAA consideration. Determining factors include site and location of the stones, complications such as compromise in renal function, repeated bouts of kidney infection, and need for therapy. Any underlying disease will be considered. The likelihood of sudden incapacitating symptoms is of primary concern. Report of imaging studies (KUB, IVP, or spiral CT) must be submitted in order to conclude that there are no residual or retained calculi.

A history of recent or significant hematuria requires further evaluation. reminder: Pregnancy and Gender Identity Disorder are posted separately.

This page discussed the GU System section of the Fight Physical Examination required of pilots.

Reminder: use to familiarize yourself with aviation medical regulations and guidelines, but always discuss your specific situation with one or more AMEs before dedicating resources toward expensive clinical workups. Find an AME now