First Listings are free for AMEs
2nd listings cost from $1 to $3 per month, full price list
Update Office Hours, Unique Instructions, Specials Independently on each listing
Entries reviewed and updated manually
Primary Address must be current with FAA
Submissions are cumulative
Only enter items to add or change
Add more at any time
These are not automated updates, changes may take a few days to appear
Don't repeat previous submissions
To remove or adjust a prior submission, describe desired change in the comments section at bottom
Email us plain English requests at anytime
Additional Listings. All AMEs are entitled to one free basic listing. If you want additional listings to promote a 2nd location or to attract more pilots, then sign up here. If you have 2 practice locations, this is a must. It is also acceptible to add listings to adjacent Zip and Area codes for publicity only--in this situation, your actual address will still show up on searches of adjacent regions. This is analagous to submiting your Town A practice info in neighboring Town B's phone book to draw pilots from their. Many AMEs benefit from this strategy because they're near borders or are amidst dense multiple Zip codes or overlapping area codes, give us the address and Phone number of the additional location(s) you want published and inidicate if it is an actual separate practice location or just for greater publicity. |